We're the Perkins

Hi! I’m Amanda and this is my family. My husband is Robert and our children are Ryan (age 10), Ashley and Allison, (the twins-age 6) and Ryker (age 3).

7 years ago, I worked in computer network support. I never thought in a million years I’d be a stay-at-home mom. I spent most of my school years planning my future. Every course, every elective, every community service, every minute, with a goal in mind. I wanted to be the first person in my family to go to college and be successful, and I was! I graduated with honors, the only woman in my class. I excelled. Even having my first child at the age of 20 couldn’t stop me. But when the twins came along and my husband was laid off, we had to move to follow the work. There was no way for me to keep working in our new situation. God had other plans. So, I went from being a great technician to suddenly not knowing a single thing about what came next. Transitioning from successful, working mom to stay-at-home mom was rough. Like REALLY rough. I used to be good at everything I did. Now? I cried. Everyday. I felt like a failure every time one of my children misbehaved, got hurt, got sick, or even if they weren’t sleeping through the night. Man, was I rough on myself. Then our youngest surprise was born and suddenly everything fell into place. I was meant for this! I CAN do it! I don’t know how adding another child made things easier but God knew what He was doing when He Gave him to us. So, many successes and hardships later, here we are, the Perkins. Do I have life all figured out? NOPE. Not even close. But I’ve stopped striving for perfection. I’ve started listening to what my children have to teach me, I’m more focused on God and His plan for us, and I’ve dedicated my time and energy to becoming the best person I can be. Not because I never fail but because I rise again. I’m just a Simple Mama taking one more step toward His will every day. This blog is my way of sharing my experiences. Sharing the laughs, the struggles, the successes and all that this life has to offer. Thank you for allowing me to share with you!